Saturday, June 15, 2013

Only in the Movies...

I was strolling along with a friend in the city on a rainy night and we decided to eat at Chipotle (yum). One of the employees at the restaurant said they were closing, but we were trying to convince him to let us order (don't mess with two hungry girls craving Mexican food). I mean, the food was still hot, people were still eating in the restaurant and we promised not to give a complicated order. So he finally let us order and we all continued being silly and cracking jokes about it.
While we were eating, a man came up to me and said "Excuse me, my name is _______ and  I'm looking for a strong, female voice to do a voice over for a video."
*side eye*
Yeah right.
I was like "Is this a joke? Do you have a business card?"
"No, I don't have one on me. I can show you the video..."
**pulls out phone, shows me a segment of the video**
I'm still not convinced. He doesn't even have a business card. He looks professional, though. And clean cut. Let me look in his eyes to see if they are dilating because if they are he's lying...
"So why are you asking me to do a voice over? How do you even know if I have a good voice for recording?"
"I heard you talking to your friend and ordering at the register."
"Ohhhh, you were eavesdropping"
*this dude is a freaking stalker*
"Well I'm looking for someone with a strong, confident voice to record for this video. Tomorrow from 10:30-11:30 we're renting a studio for the recording. If you give me your phone number and e-mail address I can send you the video and the address of the studio."
*Still not fully convinced. But I give Mr. Sir my contact info*
"Look, I don't do porn so you better not send me anything crazy or I will find you and I will kill you"
**Mr. Sir laughs**
"Okay, so I won't kill you, but you'll wish I did!"
"When I get back to my apartment, I'll send you the info. The rate for the recording is $. Are you interested?"
"I'll take a look at my schedule and I'll email you my final decision."
*This guy is putting on a good act. He deserves an Oscar*
**Mr. Sir exits, while my friend and I discuss what just happened**

I still think this guy is a phony. Who goes to Chipotle at 12:00 midnight looking for someone to do a voice-over for a video the next morning?! This stuff only happens in movies, not in real life. My mind was already set to decline this "offer". So I send him an email saying no can do.

Oh wait. My friend puts her excellent online detective skills to work and finds info about Mr. Sir! Turns out he's not a phony. He's an actual producer at a film company in NY. And look, he really did send me the video for the voice over with the script! This would be fantastic to put on my resume! I could network and meet people in the business!
 Oh dang. I already sent that email declining the job. It's okay, I'll call him in the morning and see if the offer still stands.

**7:00am. I call his cell. He doesn't answer**
*Oh, well. I'll just go back to sleep*
**9:00am. My phone rings. It's Mr. Sir!**

We talk and try to arrange a time for me to come to the studio. Unfortunately, I'm in Jersey and can't make it to the studio in time because of the commute. Sad face. So our schedules didn't work out so I wasn't able to do the recording, BUT Mr. Sir still has my contact info and I told him that in the future I would be interested in doing any other voice overs that he needed.
Am I kicking myself in the stomach for not accepting the job right there on the spot in Chipotle? Kinda, but not really. I was really skeptical about him and the whole situation was shady. Will he ever get back in contact with me? Possibly. Anything could happen. I left a strong impression on him. How can you forget that sassy, spunky girl with the charming voice you met in Chipotle on a rainy night?

This city is something else...

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