Friday, June 14, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness- Part I

So........ here I am. Writing a blog. On the interwebs. I've kept a journal since I was 11 years old, but this still feels odd to me. I guess it's because I'm writing down my thoughts and I know someone is bound to read them. In a sense, I'm putting myself out there for people to see. Weeeiiiird!!!! Don't get me wrong, I have a Facebook, so I'm socially connected in the cyber world, but I'm not one to rant in a status about my life. Good Lord, that's what a journal is for! And I like my privacy.
You're probably wondering why the heck I'm starting a blog if I like my privacy and keeping to myself. Well, I've been going through a lot of changes lately and I think it's time to share what's going on. Some AMAZING things have happened and instead of hiding it under a bush, I'm gonna share it. And I need to step out of my comfort zone, which is keeping things to myself.
Consider this first entry an introduction about me and my journey. Here goes!

*I believe in living life with a purpose on purpose
*I believe in seeking God for direction as to where He would have you to go
*I believe in cultivating the God-given talents you were born with
*I believe that your God-given talents and calling will make room for you and provide for you
*I believe that your God-given talents should be used to bring glory to God and to encourage others as well
*I believe in working hard and working smart
*I believe in doing the best with what you have and where you are
*I believe in divine opportunities, not coincidences and happenstances
*I believe that life is a gift and you have until your last breath to make it amazing

That little credo will help make the rest of my story make more sense to you.Where to start in the story... ah yes! Let's start at the end, that's always fun.


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