Friday, June 14, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness- Part IV: New Beginnings

It doesn't matter how tired and busy you are, if something really matters, you'll find a way to get it done. I continued praying and asking God to help me to calm the heck down and focus on completing the application and to prepare for the interview. In order to stay focused I had to shut off from the cyber world and say good-bye to my friends for a little while (I have amazing friends who are so supportive and understanding!). To wrap this story up, after a loooooooong week of waiting to hear back from the school, I was accepted into the program!
Not really. This is only the beginning. As of now, I will be in NYC for a few months, but anything could happen. There are going to be a lot of opportunities coming through this program.
Am I excited? YES! Am I nervous? Of course. Am I scared? Not as scared as I am to miss out on making my dream a reality. Do I have a 7-step 10-year plan? Other than go where God leads me, nope.
This has truly been orchestrated by God, I take absolutely no credit for it.
Looking back over the past 2 years and wondering why I went through certain things, I believe it was God purposely making me uncomfortable where I was so that I would get off my butt and take a leap of faith and prove that I really trust Him. I've learned (and still in the process, of course) to persevere, to seek God even when things look ugly, and that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. I've learned the importance of not settling for a life less than the one I want, even if that means taking a huge risk and others think I'm crazy. I've learned that it's okay to know what I DON'T want to do even if I haven't fully realized what it is that I DO want to do.
 I'm so thankful for my supportive family and friends who are constantly encouraging me. If my dream was to be a circus clown, they'd buy me a red nose and unicycle.
I hope my story encourages you not to settle for less than your best and to seek God for His direction in your life. We ALL have a purpose.
Along the way, I've come across a lot of stories that inspired me to take a chance. Enjoy!
WENDY WILLIAMS (how you doin'?)


  1. Hello my long lost friend!!!! ;-) Great post! Love the blog. I want to encourage you to keep pursing your dream! Like Co-Pastor Joyce always said "Go Hard or Go Home! I'm so happy for you and I know only God will see you through with the help of your support system! Miss you and love ya girl! Can't wait to hear how God has open all of the doors you need open! ;-) God bless!!!

  2. Thanks KoKo! It's been too long! I hope things are going well for you as well :)
