Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hey Girl,

"Why? WHY?! W H Y?!?!?!?!" I whimper with frustration after waking up, whilst kicking the bed covers off of me.
*sigh* Even in my dreams I'm awkward.

I am in a fancy shmancy restaurant in Manhattan (party of one), but the place is full and there are no more tables available so I have to be seated at a table with a stranger. I feel nervous and awkward having to sit at a table with someone I don't know, so I just fidget with my phone and read a book without looking or talking to the other person throughout the course of the entire meal.
While I'm minding my own business reading my book, someone throws a paper ball at me. How rude! I look up, trying to find the person responsible for disturbing my awkward solitude.
Lo and behold, it's Ryan Gosling! The stranger at my table that I've been avoiding all evening is R y a n freaking G o s l i n g.

Ryan looks at me with an adorable smirk on his face and says, "What? So we haven't seen each other in a year, you don't talk to me anymore and we don't kiss no more, but you still can't say hey to me?" He continues laughing and teasing me by pretending to read an imaginary book in his hands.
I am absolutely M O R T I F I E D!!!! I slide down out of my chair and under the table in an attempt to hide my embarrassment.
"I can't believe he caught me being so awkward and vulnerable! This whole time, I could've been talking with Ryan Gosling! He knows how much I hate being out by myself and talking with people I don't know!"
Ryan peaks under the table, still wearing that adorable I-see-you-but-you-don't-see-me smirk. "Why don't you go to the restroom and pull yourself together, sweety?"
Okay okay I get it! Message received! Lesson learned! Stop being a timid mouse and make more eye contact and conversation when I'm out and about in social situations. If not, I might miss out on meeting Ryan Gosling, or some other hot guy, or making new friends. Or Ryan Gosling.

***Disclaimer*** Although I am aware that Ryan Gosling is an attractive fellow, I am not one of those fangirls that swoons over him. So I'm still puzzled as to why he was in my dream. I don't know, maybe too much Pinterest? Of course not.

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