Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Am I the only one who feels exhausted? No motivation. No initiative. Not just physically tired, but emotionally and mentally drained too. I have tons of things I should be doing.
I should be working out
I should be doing my taxes
I should be cooking dinner
I should be practicing my songs
I should be washing the dishes
I should be getting my outfit ready for work tomorrow
I should be calling the bank
Why is it so hard to find motivation to do things that I need to do? Heck sometimes it's hard to do the things I want! I can't afford to waste time. It took a lot for me to get to where I am right now. I don't want to have come this far and then it all be for nothing. I have a list of things I want to accomplish. Forget New Year's resolutions. A "year" seems like a broad span of time (and a short span of time simultaneously). I have This Month, This Week, This Night resolutions.
I think it's natural to feel burnt out and drained, but I can't allow myself to remain stagnant and dwell in this exhaustion.
I need a nap. Can I gather all of those nap times I refused to take in Kindergarten and redeem them now?
I need to go to the beach
I need to travel to London, Thailand, Brazil, Everywhere
I need to listen to Chopin and Beethoven
I need to watch Singin in the Rain
I need to read Peter Pan. again.
I need to tap dance
I need to sing some Whitney Houston
I need to remind myself of the things that made me feel like my most natural self. Remind myself of that time I was in my element and flowed no matter the obstacles around me.
I need some inspiration.
Maybe I need to inspire?